Re: [Salon] Transparency International and corruption in the world

I think Switzerland is ranked too high because its banks have ill gotten gains from other countries.
 How Swiss banking secrecy enabled an unequal global financial system

I think UK and US are too highly ranked also.
Roberto Saviano: London is heart of global financial corruption
Speaking at the Hay festival, the anti-mafia journalist said British financial services made the UK the world’s most corrupt nation
Two-fifths of organised crime networks launder money through property
The UK's kleptocracy problem

Corruption is embedded in US in different ways
One is the campaign related corruption that is at every level of government (federal. state and local). This is why the regulatory agencies are captured.
Then there is the tax haven aspec
American Kleptocracy: How the U.S. Created the World's Greatest Money Laundering Scheme in History

Then there is the petty corruption which I think is underreported because of the inefficient way it is discovered. The result one or more mosquitoes are caught in a fetid swamp.

On Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 06:27:26 AM GMT+5, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

Transparency International, the highly respected European NGO, yesterday published their Corruption Index for 2024.  At the foot of this e-mail I've included the link to their site.
The least corrupt country in the world, at nº1, is Denmark. The most corrupt country in the world, at nº 180, is South Sudan.  The least corrupt country in the Americas, at nº 13, is Uruguay, followed, at nº 15, by Canada.  The US ranks 28th.
In Europe, after Denmark, Finland ranks 2nd, Luxembourg, Norway, and Switzerland are tied at 5th, Sweden is 8th, the Netherlands 9th, Ireland 10th, and Estonia 13th.  Behind Uruguay come Germany, 15th, the UK, 20th, Belgium, 22nd, France, 25th, Spain 46th, and Italy 52nd.
Argentina ranks 99th, tied with Ethiopia, Indonesia, Lesotho, and Morocco.  President Javier Milei is obviously doing a very good job.
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